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As a resident, you have the ability to play god and create things for your own personal use. Generally, you are permitted to create only a limited number of things, due to memory and disk space constraints.
You create things with the 'create' command. To get a list of the things you are permitted to build, use 'create commands' ('commands create' also works):
-> create commands --- [base - 3 commands] ------------------------------------------ exit, room, commands -------------------------------------------- 3 commands listed ---
Lets start with some of the basic definitions and discovery commands:
More than one person can be in a room at any time, and when you use the commands 'say', 'emote' and 'think', they are all directed to everyone who is in the room with you.
The 'look' command shows you a description of the room you are in, as well as who (and what) is in it with you.
You use an exit by going through it, as in 'go track', or 'go south'. Most of the time (unless there is a command with the same name), you can also use an exit just by typing it's name, such as 'track', or 'south'.
An exit is in one place, and leads to another. To create an exit, you have to have access to at least 2 different rooms - one to put the exit in, and one for the exit to go to.
Exits are one way. That is, if you build a log cabin and a campfire area, and wish to have a door that goes from the log cabin to the campfire, you actually need two exits:
That's just about all it means for a room to be your home.
-> rooms There aren't any rooms in sLiDe. Use 'create room <id>' if you want to create one.
-> create room treehouse The Tree House Built the room 'treehouse' (in sLiDe) This room has also been set to your home, since you don't have any others.The exact format of this command is 'create room <room id> <room name>'. The room id is how you need to refer to the room from then on. For instance, to go to our new room, we can:
-> trans treehouse The Tree House There is nobody here but you. You have transported yourself to /players/sLiDe/treehouse.You can use the trans command to go to any of your rooms.
-> inspect ----------------------------------------------------------------- /players/sLiDe/treehouse is a room owned by sLiDe. There is nobody here but you. There aren't any objects in this room. The portrait reads: Someone is [in] [somewhere] -----------------------------------------------------------------This screen shows the rooms id (/players/sLiDe/treehouse), who it is owned by (sLiDe), as well as the rooms portrait.
The portrait itself shows what appears when someone does a where command on someone in this room. For instance, 'where slide' returns 'sLiDe is in somewhere'.
For our treehouse, we're simply going to change the 'somewhere' to be 'the treehouse':
-> room portrait the treehouse The portrait now reads: [sLiDe is in] the treehouseTo change the relation property (which you might want to do when creating a hill: no-one is ever 'in' a hill), you use the room relation command:
-> room relation at The portrait now reads: [sLiDe is at] the hill(We might use this trick later to create a room that is on top of the treehouse)
To add a description, we use the room describe command and the editor. The editor has some more advanced features, allowing you to fix mistakes and delete lines, but for now, there are only 3 things you need to know about it.
When you're in the editor, you have a + prompt, and whatever you type will appear in your description, unless it starts with a period '.'. There are many period commands, but the best ones are:
So, we start the editor and type in a simple description:
-> room describe ----------------------------------------------------------------- Entering the forest editorWhen you type in descriptions, type whole paragraphs on one line if you can. This will make the program automatically word-wrap them to the width of whoever is looking at them.: If you're not sure how to use the editor, enter '.quit' immediately (without the quotes), and read 'help editor' Limitations: 22 lines, 1760 characters. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- + The treehouse is of the normal wooden variety, albeit rather rickety. Several comics are lying scattered around. The treehouse is of the normal wooden variety, albeit rather rickety. Several comics are lying scattered around. + .end Saving editor buffer... You change the description of 'treehouse'
In fact, it isn't necessary to specify it when you first create the room, either. We could just have written 'room create treehouse' and the room would have begun life without a title.
Nevertheless, to change it, or set it in the first place, use the 'room name' command. Here's an example using colour codes. (Colour codes have a chapter all for themselves, but here's a sneak preview):
-> room name ^MThe slippery treehouse^- This room is now called The slippery treehouse.
Using the look command now shows us our complete room! The next section shows you how to create exits between rooms (for the go command) and mentions a little more about room management.
In summary, here are the steps to create a room:
-> create room backyard Joe's backyard Built the room 'backyard' (in sLiDe)We can describe it later. For now, lets use the rooms command to check which rooms we wish to use, and their id's:
-> rooms name portrait pl# ob# |----------------|----------------------------------------|---|---| backyard Someone is in somewhere 0 0 treehouse Someone is in the treehouse 1 0 |----------------------------------------------------- 2 rooms ---|
First, go to the backyard:
-> trans backyard Joe's backyard There is nobody here but you. You have transported yourself to /players/sLiDe/backyard.
And create the exit, carefully specifying where you want it to go:
-> create exit ladder treehouse Built the exit ladder in backyard, which leads to the treehouse (treehouse)
And try it out:
-> go ladder You walk through the exit The slippery treehouse The treehouse is of the normal wooden variety, albeit rather rickety. Several comics are lying scattered around. There is nobody here but you.
Well, that worked. If you remember my explanation of the exit at the start of this chapter, you'll know that to get back, we need to create another exit. Lets do that now:
-> create exit ladder backyard Built the exit ladder in treehouse, which leads to somewhere (backyard)
Notice how this time it only leads to 'somewhere'? That's because we haven't set the portrait in the other room yet, a task you can do later on.
Anyway, take a look at the 'inspect' screen for the exit we just created.
-> inspect ladder ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /players/sLiDe/treehouse/ladder is an exit owned by sLiDe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No active verbs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Autolook: on The arriveRoom message is: sLiDe walks in The departRoom message is: sLiDe walks out This exit leads to somewhere, designated by /players/sLiDe/backyard. ---------------------------- description ---------------------------- A rent in the fabric of reality (the message a player sees when going through this exit is shown below) ------------------------------ through ------------------------------ You walk through the exit -----------------------------------------------------------------------
The inspect screen lists everything that may be customised about the exit.
It is nearly always left on, but the ability to turn it off means that, for instance, a room can have a different description when you enter through a door than when you're just standing in it looking around. You do this with the 'through' property, below.
Use the "exit <exit> through" command change to this:
-> exit ladder through ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Entering the forest editor: If you're not sure how to use the editor, enter '.quit' immediately (without the quotes), and read 'help editor' Limitations: 200 lines, 10000 characters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You walk through the exit ----------------------------------------------------------------------- + .wipe Editing Buffer Cleared. + You carefully climb down the ladder into the backyard. You carefully climb down the ladder into the backyard. + .end Saving editor buffer...
-> exit ladder arriveroom %o climbs down the ladder into the backyard The value now reads: %o climbs down the ladder into the backyard
Obviously, the '%o' is replaced by the name of the player going through the exit. (You must include the %o; otherwise it would be possible to make a way of entering someone elses room without anyone knowing who came in.)
There are a couple of other codes that you can use here (and more can be added if you want one, use the 'idea' command). They are:
-> exit ladder departroom %o steps over to the ladder and disappears down it. The value now reads: %o steps over to the ladder and disappears down it
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Entering the forest editor: If you're not sure how to use the editor, enter '.quit' immediately (without the quotes), and read 'help editor' Limitations: 40 lines, 3160 characters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A rent in the fabric of reality ----------------------------------------------------------------------- + .wipe Editing Buffer Cleared. + A ladder that leads down into the backyard A ladder that leads down into the backyard + .end Saving editor buffer... You change the description of 'ladder'
You may use this message for anything you please, although here are some suggestions:
It's predictable, but you set this paragraph with the exit <exit> through command:
-> exit ladder through ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Entering the forest editor: If you're not sure how to use the editor, enter '.quit' immediately (without the quotes), and read 'help editor' Limitations: 200 lines, 10000 characters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You walk through the exit ----------------------------------------------------------------------- + .wipe Editing Buffer Cleared. + You step onto the ladder and climb down into the backyard. You step onto the ladder and climb down into the backyard. + .end Saving editor buffer...
You can create exits to clan rooms; use the clanname and a slash, as in 'create exit path osiris/hall'.
You can create exits to realm rooms, as well. Each of the public rooms is located in a scene. For instance, the town square is in the 'city' scene, so you can 'create exit path city/square'.
You can only set your home to a room you have the 'setHome' permission for. This is trivially true for all of your rooms, but your clan founder may have set up certain clan rooms that you can set as your home, or your net.wife might build a room for the two of you.
You'll want to read chapter 11 on context permissions to know how to give the setHome permission to someone.