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A clan is a code-supported social structure that includes the concepts of rank and land. The original clans were based upon the Scotland family groups that existed in the middle ages.
There are two primary clan concepts: Ranks, and Land.
Ranks in Key have customisable priviledges and names, meaning that they will be unique for each individual clan. Your clan founder will be able to provide information on how the ranks of the clan are structured.
While individual clans often have their own rules and commands, some things still remain the same. Generally, the commands to talk in a clan, or view the clan message of the day will be similar. Here is some of the basic need-to-know type information for when you first join a clan:
Alternatively (and, in my opinion, preferably), you could use the shortcut commands: c' for clan say, c: for clan emote, c~ for clan think. (You don't need to hit the shift key on the second character, as c; and c` also work).
Just to point out the astoundingly obvious, these are the same shortcuts that you use to talk in rooms, but with the letter 'c' before them.
Here are some quick examples:
-> c'hi (CLAN): subtle says 'hi' -> c;waves to everyone (CLAN): subtle waves to everyone -> c~anyone there? (CLAN): subtle thinks . o O ( anyone there? )
If you've red the chapter on colours, you'll know that you can colour your clan channel with a command like 'colour clan brightyellow'.
trans clanname/room clan rooms
The command is a toggle, so if you wish to 'unliberate' yourself in the future, just type it again.
The rest of this chapter is a beyond-the-basics look at how a clan is built and customised. It is aimed at clan founders and high-ranking members who wish to be able to help in the customisation of the clan.
Listing the ranks in your clan
You can list the ranks in existance, along with their implies lists, with the 'clan structure' command. It also shows who is in each rank, but this will probably change in favour of something more useful.
Adding a command to a rank
You add commands to ranks with the 'clan rank <rank> clan add <rank class> [<optional name>]' command. Most commands already exist somewhere, but say you want to allow leaders to be able to edit the clan motd:
-> clan rank leader clan add EditMotdYou need to set up the appropriate permissions for them to be able to do this, as well - it isn't just a matter of them having the command. Look at the chapter on 'context permissions' for information about how to do this.
Taking a command away from a rank
clan rank leader clan take editmotd
Adding a new rank
create rank mynewrankname
Destroying a rank
clan dissolve mynewrankname
Setting the implies property
You probably don't even know what the implies property means, I caution against using it without thinking that you understand it. (It's okay to use it if you think you understand it but really don't, of course)
clan rank mynewrankname clan implies
Clearing the implies property
Creating a clan room
Destroying a clan room
Enrolling someone into the clan
Removing someone from the clan
Setting the clan homepage
Setting the clan hall room
Setting the clan base rank
Editting the clan MOTD